12 min read

Linux: Useful Commands

Introduction to Linux OS - Useful Linux Commands

Following from the previous Linux articles, we have covered most of the Linux basics. On here, we will look at some of the most useful commands that comes handy as you use Linux as your daily system.

Command Definition & Functions
man Manual of any commands or programs. e.g man uname.
uname List System Info, this includes OS versions, kernel. etc.
htop Interactive real time processing monitoring application
grep Searches text and string in a given file
find Find files with a given name. e.g. find . -name Demo.txt
Ctrl+Alt+F1 Linux is multiuser OS. This switches to user one (TTY)
tail -f Displays the file in real time. Useful to monitor log files as it populates.
| Lets you sends the output of one command to another. e.g cat syslog | grep "error"
lshw List system hardware
lscpu List CPU info
lspci Displays information about each PCI bus on your system
df Reports file system disk space usage
python -m http.server Creates simple HTTP server, making the directory available in LAN
Chmod +x Change modification to execute the app
ps Let you take a look at current process in shell session. ID, TTY (TeleTYperwrtier), time and command name
Kill When your program is unresponsive, use this command to terminate it. Kill firefox or Kill (ProcessID)
Ping Let you check the internet connection on your device. Also used to request domain name or IP Address.
History Shows all the commands written in the past
Which output full path of shell command. e.g # /user/bin/python
shred As name suggested, shred the file and corrupt it by overiding the file content repeatedly. Making it difficult to recover
whatis Prints a single line description of any other commands
ifconfig Displays network interface & IP Address
wget world wide web get - retrieve content from the internet
iptable Linux firewall filtering table
traceroute Trace all the network hops and destinations
zip and unzip Let you Zip and Unzip the file
passwd Create or update passwords for existing users
Sudo Command to escalate privileges in Linux

Let's look at some examples of all the Commands listed above


Used for displaying manual of any other commands or programs.

└─$ man uname
Finding user manual of uname command

Other similar commands to Manual are --help -help.


This command shows the type of OS, kernel, and the build dates

└─$ uname -a
-a switch is used in this commands to list all the info from uname


└─$ uname -a
Linux Kali 5.18.0-kali5-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 5.18.5-1kali6 (2022-07-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Useful for system admin and developers, if they require certain OS version to run specific program.


Given an interactive system monitor process, and let you manager them.

└─$ htop


Interactive System Monitor. Keyboard options can be found at the bottom. 

Grep stands for (Global Regular Expression Print) This command used to search for text and strings in a given file.

Let's say you want to find a particular name in a file. You can simply write in the following syntax

grep <findme>  <filename>

└─$ touch Grep_Demo

We have created a file with strings of text to showcase the example of `grep` search features.

Created a sample text file to search from

Search for a string of text from multiple files

Duplicating Grep_Demo file
Using -i switch to search for case insensitive

Screenshot above shows duplicating Grep_Demo file as Grep_Demo1, then search for text from both of the files, using -i flag to search for case insensitive texts.  


Find command used to search and locate the list of files and directories based on specified arguments.  we can find the files by permissions, users, groups, files types, date, size and other possible criteria.

Find files within user /home directory

└─$ find /home -name Grep_Demo     
find: ‘/home/jay’: Permission denied

Find all the files based on user

This command to find all the files belong to user jay under /home directory

└─$ sudo find /home -user jay      
tty (Teletype)

TTY is a Teletype virtual command. This can be used to diagnose the system or look up something as different terminal user.

Sample of using tty is to analyse CPU usage on our system using other virtual terminal. This also useful to check for any live log files using tail -f {filename} There are 1-6 terminals and you can switch between these by Ctrl +Alt + F1 to F7. Our current session is installed on F7.

The following screenshot shown we are using tty4 virtual terminal

Sample of tty session on tty4 (Ctrl + Alt + F4)
Use Alt key and arrow keys to switch between the tty

The tail command reads a file, and outputs the last section of the file (the tail)

The tail commands can be used to monitor data streams and open files that are currently being written new information. For an example system log files in real time.  This can be done using -f switch, as shown below.

Viewing live kali syslog file using tail -f command 

This command is a small tool to display a complete picture of hardware configuration.

lshw command with -short flag results. Shorter version of system hardware

| (Shell Pipe command)

This | command

lets us out results from one command and use it as input to another command. For an example read the Syslog file, then search for text within it.

Viewing the syslog.1 file from directory /var/log. Also looking for text "error" within it

A command-line utility “lscpu” in Linux is used to get CPU information of the system. This command fetches the CPU architecture information from the “sysfs” and /proc/cpuinfo files and displays it in a terminal.

Shows the System Info

The lspci (list PCI) Linux command displays information about each PCI bus on your system. This includes information about the devices connected to the PCI subsystem.

lspci lists pci on the system

The df command displays the amount of disk space available on the filesystem with each file name's argument.

df command used with switch -ah. a stands for All, and h stands for Human Readable. 
Simple HTTP Server

Easier way to share your directory within your local network. You can also specify the port number, so It does not conflict with used ports.

Sharing "~/Downloads" Directory in Local Network

Python 2.x

└─$ $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Python 3.x

└─$ $ python -m HTTPServer 8000
Find the version of your Python using the following command.
"python --version"
Change modification to execute the file

The command chmod +x that is used to change file and folder permission. Find more details about chmod and chown commands in Linux: Beginners Guide 2


This command is used to list the currently running processes and their (Process Identification Number) PIDs. A PID is automatically assigned to each process when it is created, a process is nothing but running instance of a program and each process has a unique PID on a Linux System.

PID number for sublime_text instance is 1222

The above screenshot shows the sample of opening an Subl Text editor application and checking the running instance using ps command.

kill Command

Using the sample from previous ps command, we can terminate the application, using the PID number of the instance using. E.g Kill 1222. This will terminate the Sublime Text Editor.


PING (Packet Internet Groper) command is used to check the network connectivity between host and server/host


This command displays a list of commands used in the terminal sessions. This let users to reuse any listed commands without retyping it

Use case of history command

Which is used to locate the executable file associated with the given command by searching it in the path environment variable

Finding the location of firefox and sublime text editor

This command shred the data by overwrite the data in place several times and gives option to delete it, making it difficult to retrieve by third party software or hardware. Useful to delete sensitive data on your system.

Sample of using shred command with verbose mode.

Another example of shredding the file using flags

  • -v  Stands for verbose, gives more detailed output
  • -z  Adds a zeros at final overwrite to hide shredding
  • -u  Removes files after shredding. We don't need to use rm command
  • -n Overwrites files N times, instead of default (3 times)
Using Shred command with - vzu flags

The following steps shows the detailed information about the screenshot above.

  1. As shown in the screenshot from line 1 -4, overwriting the file as we stated on our flag (-n4), then preparing to delete the file.

2. One additional overwrite the file with all zeros as we stated on flag (-z)

3. The filename is being overwritten to avoid being found after delectation.

4. Finally the file is removed


This command in Linux lets you display one line manual page descriptions.

whatis - one line manual

We can also get multiple manual description by entering the commands with space.

Multiple results from whatis Command

Using wildcards (*) Whatis command

Using the -w flag state the wild card search, then search for any commands that has "ls" in it. This will list all the commands that starts with ls as we can see below.

Using wildcard on whatis command

The ifconfig command is used for displaying current network configuration information, this includes ip address, netmask, or broadcast address to a network interface.

ifconfig displays network configuration

This command let us download files from server, It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP Protocols. wget is non-interactive, meaning that it can work in the background, while the user is not logged on.

The following screenshot shows the sample of downloading a Raspberry Pi 4 Diagram.

Firewall rules : iptable & ufw

Let's look at how this command function using Netfilter framework in Kernel.

Netfilter is a framework provided by Linux kernel, that let us manage the network by configuring it through IPtables and UFW (Uncompleted FireWall). Netfilter provides us with packet filtering, Network Address Translation (NAT), and Port Address Translation(PAT).

IPtables and UFW both are Linux system firewalls, the difference between them is UFW is built upon IPtables, and flexible tool that requires deeper understanding of TCP/IP. This passes rules directly to netfilter

In contrast, UFW is easy to use and less flexible, this passes the configurations form UFW to IPTables, which then sends those rules to netfilter. As name suggest uncomplicated firewall, this will be very user friendly for beginners.


Traceroute is a monitoring command commonly used by network and system admin in their day to day operations.

Traceroute is monitoring command used by system admin to get find out the following

  • Find out the complete path that a packet uses to reach its destination
  • Discover the names and identify the routers and devices within the path
  • Get the time duration it took to send and receive data to each devices on the path

Traceroute provide you a comprehensive info into the path our data will take to reach its destination, without sending any data through ICMP (Internet Communication Message Protocol)

All the packets send through the IP known as Time-To-Live (TTL) This means the maximum number of hops that a packet can travel across the internet before it gets discarded.

The purpose of TTL is to prevent the data packets from endlessly around the network, keeping the routers busy.

Illustration of how traceroute command communicate

The diagram above illustrates how traceroute command communicate from pc to web server, through hops. Each number on the routers represents routers (hops) to communicate before it reaches to the destined host.

The following screenshot shows the example of traceroute

Result from tracert (Windows) 

The first column shows us the number of hops router took to get to its destination, which shows 7  hops. The next three column shows the round trip time each data packet took for each data point and back our computer.

The first hop took 8 milliseconds as it is within the cooperate network, before reaching out to the internet. As the packet progress to server, the round trip time significantly increases.  

When performing traceroute, it is important to keep an eye out for consistent round trip time, that gradually increase without any major gaps in time. This indicates everything is working fine without any delay between each routers (hops).

When there's a delay in response, we can look at which hops is causing the issue. In this case the 5th hop is causing the delay, therefore we know our local area network and google server is working fine.

Illustrates the bottleneck on the network

The Traceroute utility is a great tool to pinpoint any issues on network, and find any bottlenecks, that is slowing the traffic.  

Sometimes It doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem, It could be the route is connecting to different continent.

Zip and Unzip Command

These two command let us compress multiple files into one file and vice verse.

If the zip command is not already installed on our system, we can run:

sudo apt-get install zip

Likewise, for unzip command we can change zip to unzip on command above to install the unzip utility.

Once installed zip utility, we can compress the file as shown below

zip ZipFileName File1 File2 File3

We can also extract to particular destination folder, as shown below

unzip ZipFileName -d destionation_folder

This command let us change or update our password. Typing passwd  will walk us through the process as shown below


Sudo stands for SuperUser Do and it is used to access restricted files and tasks in Linux Distros.  Also, it can be used to temporarily elevate user privileges allowing users to complete sensitive tasks without logging in as the root user.

If we have access to root user of the machine, we can pretty much do anything on the system.

Adding sudo can give temporary root access
adding new user with sudo command

These commands comes handy once you get used to it and try them out for yourself. Linux is a great open source OS that can run on any hardware without high-end processers and graphics.